
Maritime DAO


  • Vision – To become a Leading DAO which drives Maritime transition into green energies, clean oceans, shared ownership, as well as responsibility and profits for increased quality of life for all of us. 


  • Mission – To build a Blockchain driven, transparent, global, profitable, decentralized organization which takes active part in every aspect of Maritime Industries evolution, particularly Carbon Neutral Ships, Green Energies, Education, Ports. 

Tasks :

  • Provide General Public with opportunity to invest and Vote on Maritime Industry evolution.
  • To upgrade maritime assets with modern and green technologies to reduce Carbon footprint.
  • Oceans are in need for recovery program and funds. We believe that core issue to be addressed. Educational programs for countries and people near rivers and seas. 
  • Oceans provide opportunities to develop new Green energies which can be explored and business cases built upon them. Experts say that 60% of Wind energy will come from floating wind generators and CAGR 18.4% annually is expected over next 10y. 
  • Generate cashflow and truly Passive Income for all involved. Ships and Ports are working continuously over the years and there always will be need for Ships and Ports.
  • Fulfill the dream of most of the young people – TO BECOME A SHIPOWNER – to earn money and to learn responsibility. 

The easiest way to invest in Maritime​

  • No banks, No paperwork. No hidden fees
  • 149$ is a starting price and you can own a fraction of a ship
  • FAST – It can be done in a seconds. Either you buy or sell your fraction it will be fast. 
  • 100% All Maritime assets day2day Operations are and will be managed by professionals. 
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